He had recovered his equilibrium and even his good humour, somehow. 不知怎的,他已经恢复了平静,连心情也变好了。
Did the old boy drink? Could that have been the source of his good humour? 那老头儿喝酒了吗?会不会是因此心情大好呢?
Hugo bore his illness with great courage and good humour. 雨果以巨大的勇气和良好的精神状态面对疾病。
And what claims has Lydia, what attractions has she beyond youth, health, and good humour, that could make him, for her sake, forgo every chance of benefiting himself by marrying well? 他根本办不到。丽迪雅除了年轻、健康、爱开玩笑之外,有什么办法、有什么吸引力,可以叫他为了她而放弃掉结婚致富的机会?
It keeps him in good humour, said she, and I am more obliged to you than I can express. 她说:这样可以叫他精神痛快些,我对你真是说不尽的感激。
A resemblance in good humour and good spirits had recommended her and Lydia to each other, and out of their three months'acquaintance they had been intimate two. 她跟丽迪雅都是好兴致,好精神,因此意气相投:虽然才只三个月的友谊,却已经做了两个月的知已。
"Dance away, my little man," said Peter, who was in high good humour. 那就跳吧,小家伙。彼得说,他兴致很高。
She was received, however, very politely by them; and in their brother's manners there was something better than politeness; there was good humour and kindness. 不过事实上她们倒很客气地接待了她,特别是她们的兄弟,不仅是客客气气接待她,而且非常殷勤多礼。
But while Mr Buffet, Berkshire's chief executive and chief investment officer, and Charlie Munger, his long-time number two, displayed their usual good humour, long-time attendees noted a more muted tone to the meeting. 但是,尽管伯克夏的首席执行官、首席投资官巴菲特和他长期的副手查理芒格(CharlieMunger)展现了他们通常的幽默感,但长期与会者指出会上透露出了更为消极的气氛。
My good humour/ spirits soon returned. 我的心情[情绪]很快又好起来了。
Father's stories are shot through with moral examples and good humour. 父亲的故事充满了道德典范和幽默感。
I'm on God's good humour. 我要看上帝的安排了。
And I cried in good humour,'Oh God, he speaks only of his horse! 然后我谈笑风生地说,'噢我的天,他只谈到他的马!
Every one liked the young man for his frankness and good humour. 这位小伙子的正直与爽朗的性格博得大家的喜欢。
His proverbial good humour never fails to cheer me up. 他那有口皆碑的好脾气总是能让我高兴起来。
Enthusiasm, good humour, and ability to time manage and work effectively under pressure. 富有激情和幽默感,富有时间观念,并能适应各种工作压力。
The old prince was making fun of him but with good humour. 老公爵开点儿玩笑,没有发脾气,对他说的话提出了异议。
Good humour gleamed in his eyes and lurked in the corners of his mouth. 一种幽默感在他的眼中隐约地闪现,也潜伏在嘴角上。
She flattered him into a good humour. 她把他奉承得性子变温和了。
He laughed again, obviously in a good humour. 他又笑了,显然心情很好。
John is the odds-on choice for class president, because he has good sense and good humour. 约翰很有可能被选为班主席,因为他很有头脑,脾气又好。
He was a lovely person indeed, of abundance of good humour. 他实在是个可爱的人,脾气也非常好。
His customary good humour was apparently restored. 他显然又恢复了平时那种良好的情绪。
No, I'm not hungry,'he answered, averting his head, and speaking rather contemptuously, as if he guessed I was trying to divine the occasion of his good humour. “不,我不饿,”他回答,掉过他的头,说得简直有点轻蔑的样子,好像他猜出我是在想推测他的兴致的缘由。
It was no wonder the men were in a good humour now. 无疑他们现在情绪好得很,而我却再也没心情了。
The mother was in a good humour for her son returned from the sanitorium with his health greatly improved. 母亲心情愉快极了,因为她的儿子从疗养院回来,健康大有好转。
I put them in good humour by this concession. 我作出些让步,使他们高兴起来。
With his usual sense of good humour, Rinpoche says that, produced in an obscure foreign language, the film could be boring and a commercial failure. 以他一贯的幽默感,仁波切说,由于使用一个偏僻的语言制作,片子或许会变得无聊以及在商业上失败。
Mr Peskov speaks with the relaxed good humour and even the accent of an American spin-doctor. 巴斯科夫的言谈带有美国政治公关顾问那种随和的幽默感,就连口音也很像。